Positive Fertility Blog

If you are struggling to conceive you are likely feeling some negativity.  That could look like stress, anxiety, anger, or fear.  All of these are common responses to the worry of infertility but there are effective methods of releasing some of those feelings so you can focus on getting pregnant. 

In this post we will go over several effective exercises to adjust your mindset and feel more confident and positive about your pursuit of a family.  Try them out and see what works for you.

Positive Affirmations – Affirmations are positive statements that when repeated frequently encourage positive thoughts and attitude while challenging negative feelings.  Repeat the affirmations out loud consistently and you not only begin to truly believe the statements, but you also let the negative thoughts go.  It may feel somewhat awkward at first but overtime it begins more natural and can be highly effective in shifting to a more positive mindset.  Try some of these examples to get you started.

Practice Gratitude – When struggling to conceive it can be difficult to think about anything else but focusing on several aspects of your life that you are thankful for can have a significant effect on your overall mindset.  Studies have shown that practicing gratitude can not only have a healthy effect on overall optimism but can also boost the immune system.  Start by jotting down 3 simple things you are grateful for each evening before going to bed to end your day on a positive note.

Breathing Exercises – Sometimes to reset or calm our mind we need to take a short break.  Practicing breathing exercise will allow you to slow your body down and recharge.  Try a simple 4-5-6 breathing exercise to reset. 

·         Breathe in slowly for four seconds.

·         Hold your breath for five seconds.

·         Exhale slowly for six seconds.

Meditation – Meditation can be incredibly effective at shifting your mindset and finding a calmer and more peaceful place.  Meditation has been shown to be effective at reducing stress (cortisol) and balancing hormones both of which can help with increasing your odds getting pregnant.  Guided meditation just for fertility are available online and on apps such as headspace and Circle + Bloom.

 The stress of struggling to get pregnant can have significant effects on the mind, spirit and body.  Schedule your free, zero commitment discovery call and let start working together to put you on a more positive path to the family you have always dreamed of. 

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3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Pregnancy Success

Grab this free download to discover three common ways you might be stuck within the IVF process. These sticky points can dismantle your confidence, your motivation, and your general well-being. Freeing yourself from these obstacles could be the missing piece in your fertility puzzle and the answer to finally getting your family. 
