Positive Fertility Blog

Preparing for an IVF cycle can be stressful and nerve wrecking.  The anxiety is the last thing you need when planning for the treatment cycle.  While it might feel like success is up to the doctors, the medications, and fate, there are means of taking control of the cycle and improving your odds of success. 

Below are five ways you can influence your IVF cycle and increase your chances of pregnancy.

Understand your cycle calendar – Before treatment begins, have a conversation with your doctor or a member of your care team to understand the calendar.  Know what medications you will be taking and for approximately how long.  Ask how often you should expect to go in for monitoring and blood work.  Anticipating the timing of your treatment cycle and knowing what to expect will eliminate some of the worry.

Read: 20 Questions for Your Fertility Consult

Prepare for injectable medications – You likely know that the majority of IVF cycles have one thing in common…needles.  Blood work, self-injections, and the notorious PIO (progesterone in oil) are important to the success of most IVF rounds.  Ask your clinic if they offer training for medications and take notes if that will be helpful for you.  There are also great tutorials available online.  Ask your partner or a friend to join you so they can help with the trickier injections such as progesterone which is best injected into a large muscle (like the bum).  

Manage physical health – Having a healthy physical body can not only increase your chances of success but also improve your overall wellbeing during your treatment.  The medications, potential side effects and stress can take a toll on you physically but taking care of yourself by drinking lots of water, getting rest, adding fertility friendly foods to your diet, and getting in some light exercise or movement each day can benefit your whole body and your chance of conceiving.

Acupuncture – Acupuncture has been found to be effective in increasing the chances of success for an IVF cycle. Benefits include improved blood flow to the uterus, hormone regulation and stress relief.  Work with your acupuncturist to form the most effective schedule during your IVF cycle, before and after an embryo transfer, and during the two week wait.

If acupuncture isn’t an option for you, consider daily acupressure which can be done at home in a quick daily session.

Read: Can acupuncture help you get pregnant

Prioritize Mental Health – Increased stress can cause a rise in cortisol levels (the stress hormone), having a negative effect on your physical body.  Identify your personal calming tools that work best for you and make them part of your daily life during your IVF cycle.  Try journaling your thoughts, going for daily outdoor walks, meditation, or pleasure reading to shift your mind from any troubling anxiety.   If you are struggling to manage the anxiety, consider speaking with a support group, counselor or coach to help you manage the stress. 

Read: Shifting to a Positive Mindset

Navigating a treatment cycle can feel both exciting and stressful but preparing yourself both physically and mentally and having the right tools can make this exciting time a more positive experience. 

Coaching sessions are available for all treatment cycles and stages.  Contact me for more information and let’s work together to find the right solutions for a positive experience. 

Free Download

3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Pregnancy Success

Grab this free download to discover three common ways you might be stuck within the IVF process. These sticky points can dismantle your confidence, your motivation, and your general well-being. Freeing yourself from these obstacles could be the missing piece in your fertility puzzle and the answer to finally getting your family. 
