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When trying to conceive you want to try everything you can to increase your chances of a positive pregnancy test.   Data and research have shown that nutrition choices play a big part in increasing chances for success whether you are trying to conceive on your own or receiving treatment.  Having a healthy diet can support egg quality, ovulation, hormone regulation, endometrial lining thickness and generally increase wellness – all essential for getting pregnant and staying pregnant. 

Let’s talk about 6 foods you can easily add to your diet that support fertility and fertility treatments:

Eggs – Eggs are a fertility super food!  They are packed with protein, vitamin B12 and E, and healthy monounsaturated fats like DHA – everything you want in a fertility diet.  Be sure to eat the yolk where a lot of nutrients are found including choline which is important for fetal development.  Male partners should include eggs in their daily diet as well as it supports sperm health. 

Avocados –Avocados are a healthy fat which is important for fertility and egg health.  They are high in potassium and Vitamin K as well Vitamin E which has shown to improve the thickness of the uterus lining – essential to those anticipating an embryo transfer.  Include in your leafy green salad or spread on whole grain bread for a fertility friendly snack. Yum!

Related Read: Should You Exercise During An IVF Cycle

Fruits – Vitamin C is crucial for improving hormone levels so adding citrus fruit to your daily nutrition is great for increasing your chances of pregnancy each month.  Additionally, berries such as blueberries, raspberries or strawberries are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients making the yummy fruits beneficial to your fertility health.

Whole Grains – Whole grains are essential for fertility health because they are slowly digested carbs which keeps hormones balanced and regulate blood sugar.  They are a great source of energy and vitamins.  Studies have found whole grains to improve endometrial lining quality and thickness. 

Leafy greens –Dark leafy greens are another food loaded with essential vitamins and nutrients needed for getting pregnant and carrying a healthy pregnancy.  They are high in calcium, fiber, iron, and folate making them a blood nourishing food which help to create a thick uterine lining.  Leafy greens are also high in Vitamin B, which is especially important for women managing symptoms of PCOS.  Kale, spinach, swiss chard and mustard greens are some great examples of dark leafy greens to incorporate into your diet while trying to get pregnant.  

Salmon – Finally, Salmon is a great nutrition choice for both women and men when trying to get pregnant. In additional to providing loads of healthy fat and protein, omega 3 acids are an essential fertility booster.  Salmon is also a great source of vitamins D, A, B12, C and E as well as, calcium, folate, potassium, and selenium.  Choose wild salmon when available for lower levels of mercury. 

Related Read: Your Fertility Treatment Toolbox

Remember, you don’t have to deprive yourself of your favorite foods to make healthy changes. Instead, focus on adding these fertility friendly foods into your daily nutrition. Try putting together a healthy salad with some of the suggestions above. Here is a recipe to try: Cooking for Fertility: Grapefruit Avocado Salad

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or lonely while trying to get pregnant or managing fertility treatments… let’s talk. 

I would love to help you navigate this challenging road and make the journey more positive.  Schedule a chat today and follow Positive Fertility on Instagram for daily support and inspiration!  

Don’t forget to download your FREE Ultimate IVF Checklist – a must read for anyone preparing for an upcoming treatment cycle.

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3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Pregnancy Success

Grab this free download to discover three common ways you might be stuck within the IVF process. These sticky points can dismantle your confidence, your motivation, and your general well-being. Freeing yourself from these obstacles could be the missing piece in your fertility puzzle and the answer to finally getting your family. 
