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3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Pregnancy Success

Free Download: 3 Hidden Obstacles Keeping You From Pregnancy Success

I am a different person than I was before I began my fertility journey.  I know far more now about my own body, general women’s health, the stages of menstrual cycle, nutrition, hormones, and ovulation than I ever dreamed I would know.  All of this was important for me to understand while I navigated fertility treatments including IVF and donor conception, but there were significantly more important lessons that I learned along the way that have stuck with me. 

Here are 6 life lessons I learned along my fertility journey.

I am stronger than I gave myself credit for.
Throughout my life I don’t know that I would have described myself as strong.  I certainly wasn’t physically strong and I am notoriously sensitive which is often mistaken for weakness.  Trying to get pregnant at 41, I was given a lot of discouraging news and much of it was difficult to hear, but I never considered giving up.  There were tears, there were sleepless nights, and there were doubts with some of the bigger decisions, but there was never a question that I would keep going until my family was complete.

The importance of advocating for myself
On this journey I learned how to effectively advocate for myself as a patient and client. I learned how important it is to ask every question on your mind and be confidence in all my next steps.  Early on, I was often afraid to ask too many questions or call my clinic when I was confused with an instruction, but I also needed assurance I was doing everything right for a successful cycle.  I quickly realized that my medical team was happy to help with every step of my cycle.  My doctor wanted me to feel confident in the decisions he was making. 

Related Read: Self-Care Practices For Your IVF Cycle

Knowledge Is Power
When I first began fertility treatments, I found the medications intimidating and confusing.  I decided to learn more about them and what they did in order to understand why I was taking them.  I found once I had a better understanding of my protocol, the instructions made more sense and I was more confident administering my own medications.  I continued this in other parts of my life from my children’s illnesses, to buying a car to increase my own confidence in every area of my life. 

Find A Support Team
Infertility can be isolating.  It’s difficult to discuss with others and challenging to explain the complex feelings.  Loved ones can be well meaning but tend to offer advice that is more of a wish than solid advice such as ‘just relax’ or ‘it will happen when you stop thinking about it’.  

1 in 8 families struggle to get pregnant and you are not alone.  Finding a support group, either in person or online, can help you feel less alone in your struggle.  Opening up to others can significantly reduce stress and help you effectively come to clearer decisions. 

Related Read: Connecting With Your Partner While TTC

Identify Ways to Process Emotions
So many of us internalize difficult feelings rather than finding ways to manage them.  When struggling to get pregnant I found myself flooded with stress, worry, and anxiety surrounding my treatments.  I couldn’t focus on anything besides trying to have a baby.  I finally a few ways to take my mind off of fertility treatments, even if just for a short time.  Once I identified what worked for me, I was able to work them into my routine to make sure I was giving myself a break. 

I know use this information for other parts of my life that cause me stress and know I can turn to my wellness tools to find my calm and feel centered again.

Prioritizing Whole Health
When I was trying to get pregnant, I made it a priority to take care of my whole self – physical, emotional, and mental wellness – in order to give myself the best chance at conceiving.  I fueled my body with nutritious whole foods, hydrated, found time to rest, and identified the tools that allowed me to find calm.  Years later, now that my fertility journey is behind me and I am deep into my parenting journey, I recognize that it is equally important for me to continue the self-care practices I learned when I was receiving treatment. 

Are you struggling to find center and calm while trying to get pregnant?  I would love to help you navigate this challenging road and make the journey more positive.  Schedule a chat today and follow Positive Fertility on Instagram for daily support and inspiration!

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3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Pregnancy Success

Grab this free download to discover three common ways you might be stuck within the IVF process. These sticky points can dismantle your confidence, your motivation, and your general well-being. Freeing yourself from these obstacles could be the missing piece in your fertility puzzle and the answer to finally getting your family. 
