Positive Fertility Blog

You have likely heard before that acupuncture can be a helpful therapy when trying to conceive or receiving fertility treatments, but do you know why? 

Acupuncture works by the gentle insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body which stimulate energy and promote healing.  The protocols used for infertility treatment can be incredibly effective for reducing stress and anxiety when preparing the body for fertility treatments, procedures and cycles.  Here are just a sample of the many benefits of acupuncture when trying to get pregnant or navigating a treatment cycle:

Reducing Stress
Acupuncture is a great tool for reducing stress by promoting the release of endorphins, which can reduce pain and encourage relaxation. Additionally, acupuncture can trigger an increase in production of serotonin and dopamine while also lower cortisol (the stress hormone) levels.  The balance can take you out of the “fight or flight” mode of anxiety and to a state of rest and relaxation which is much more productive when preparing for a treatment cycle.

It is believed that acupuncture can regulate the flow of energy in the body, known as qi (pronounced chee) in traditional Chinese medicine, which reduces stress and helps you to relax. 

Related Read: Self-Care For An IVF Cycle

Increase Blood Circulation
With the regulation of moving energy in the body, acupuncture can also help increase blood circulation and flow to the reproductive organs.  The increased blood flow can contribute to egg health, regulation of the menstrual cycle, and thickening of the uterine lining to support embryo implantation and a healthy pregnancy.

Hormone Regulation
Infertility is often caused by an imbalance of hormones.  Diagnoses such as irregular menstrual cycles, anovulatory cycles (cycles you don’t ovulate), PCOS, and thyroid disfunction are examples of hormone imbalance problems that can make it difficult to get pregnant. Acupuncture, when done consistently, has been known to be especially effective in treating these disruptions and a healthy supplement to medical treatment.

Enhancing Sperm Quality
Acupuncture has been shown to support sperm health including sperm quality, count, motility, and morphology.  A regular acupuncture practice can improve blood circulation and nerve conduction to the male reproductive organs.

Related Read: Can You Get Pregnant Over 40?

Immune System Boost
When trying to get pregnant or preparing for treatments it is important for your overall health to be at its best.  Acupuncture can regulate the immune system to help fight infection and disease as well as reduce recovery time from sickness.  Additionally, acupuncture’s role in reducing stress and promoting rest will promote a healthy physical body and reduce your risk of getting sick. 

When starting acupuncture for fertility it is important to remember that a consistent practice will be the most effective. Talk to your acupuncturist about your history, health and goals to put together a plan where sessions will support your fertility cycles and treatments. Regular visits with an acupuncturist are ideal but if not an option for you, consider acupressure which can be done in your own home. If practiced daily, acupressure can offer many of the same benefits as acupuncture.

I would love to help you navigate this challenging road and make the journey more positive.  Schedule a chat today and follow Positive Fertility on Instagram for daily support and inspiration! 

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3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Pregnancy Success

Grab this free download to discover three common ways you might be stuck within the IVF process. These sticky points can dismantle your confidence, your motivation, and your general well-being. Freeing yourself from these obstacles could be the missing piece in your fertility puzzle and the answer to finally getting your family. 
