Positive Fertility Blog

Free Download: 6 Ways To Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Are you getting ready for an upcoming Embryo Transfer?  This particular procedure can trigger a lot of emotions leading up to the big day when you could finally be pregnant.  To feel more centered and in control of the process you can make a prep plan to get ready for this exciting day.  Here are some tips on feeling confident and ready for your embryo transfer.

Be clear on your instructions – your medical team will provide you with important instructions for medication and preparation.  It’s crucial that you understand your directions and follow them carefully.  Know what time you are expected at your clinic, what information you need with you, any medication adjustments that should be made before your procedure.  Feeling organized and prepared will help you maintain calm before your procedure. 

Related Read: Tips for Managing Your Fertility Medications

 Focus on What You can Control – It’s difficult to anticipate such an important hurdle on your journey when there is very little you can control.  Before your transfer day make a list of some activities that bring you joy and support calm.  Consider journaling, creating art, light exercise such as yoga or walking – any activity that helps you center yourself.  Planning meals is another way to help you feel in control.  Be sure to include organic lean meats, dark leafy greens, and eggs – all packed with nutrients that support a healthy home for your baby.

Stay Healthy
Take care of your body and overall health.  You will feel more confident going into the transfer knowing that your body is ready for a baby.  Start taking a prenatal vitamin if you haven’t already. Plan health meals such as organic lean meats, dark leafy greens, and eggs – all packed with nutrients that support a healthy home for your baby.  Find light exercise that you enjoy or ways to move your body such as walking or gentle yoga.*  As always, be sure to stay hydrated.
*Be sure to speak with your medical team before starting a new exercise routine.

Related Read: Your IVF Checklist

Prioritize a Positive Mindset
There is power in positive thinking.  Start a practice of journaling gratitude, using positive affirmations, and breathing exercises to help train your mind to gravitate to this positive.  Welcoming an embryo into a positive environment can support and nurture growth so even if it seems a little unnatural at first, give it a try and find a method that works for you. 

Acupuncture – There is evidence that acupuncture session before and/or after an embryo transfer may increase the chance of success.  It can also help you relax on an exciting day.  Ask your medical team if they have recommendations of acupuncture clinics nearby or coordinate with your acupuncturist for the best possible appointment times. 

Related Read: Benefits of Acupuncture While TTC

Prepare for TWW
The hardest part of the day might be once the procedure is over.  You will likely need to wait two weeks before your pregnancy test to learn if the transfer was successful.  Plan activities that will keep your mind busy and provide a healthy distraction from the brutal wait. 

These ideas should help you feel calm and confident going into an embryo transfer but often the success is determined by the health of the embryo itself, not in how you prepare.  In the unfortunate case that the cycle is unsuccessful, it likely has nothing to do with what you did or didn’t do. 

For additional guidance on preparing for an IVF or treatment cycle, let’s set up a complimentary call – it’s free.  Be sure to follow @positive.fertility on Instagram for daily support and inspiration on your fertility journey.

Free Download

3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Pregnancy Success

Grab this free download to discover three common ways you might be stuck within the IVF process. These sticky points can dismantle your confidence, your motivation, and your general well-being. Freeing yourself from these obstacles could be the missing piece in your fertility puzzle and the answer to finally getting your family. 
