Positive Fertility Blog

Insurance Benefits, Fertility Loans & More

Among the many stressful components of fertility treatments is the cost.  Testing, procedures, and medications can rack up medical bills of potentially tens of thousands of dollars.  If you are struggling to get pregnant, treatment may be the answer to building your family, but it may leave another question. How do you pay for it?

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Here I discuss several options for financing your fertility treatments and the bills that come along with them. 

Insurance benefit

Before your first doctor’s appointment, be sure to understand your health insurance benefit and what fertility coverage it includes, as well as what it does not include.  If your company’s plan does not include fertility coverage, ask your benefits coordinator if they might consider including it. 

If you are married, look at your spouse’s benefits plan.  If their employer offers a better fertility benefit you may want to entertain switching during the next open enrollment. 

Fertility Specialist Loan
Some couples look to take out a loan to help cover the high costs of fertility treatments.  There are specialized lenders who work directly with fertility clinics to help patients.  The loan is paid directly to the provider, and many have low (or zero) interest rates.  Discounts are often available to patients as well as manageable payment plans. 

Resolve has published a comprehensive list of Fertility Loan Specialists.  Work with your clinic to find a good fit for your needs.

Related Read: 5 Ways to Increase IVF Success

IVF Grants
Grants are available for those who are need of IVF treatment but do not have the resources to pay out of pocket.  Do your research on fertility grants in advance since often foundations only offer applications a couple of times a year and you may be competing with other hopeful families.  Look for specialized grants you may be eligible for, such as for veterans, women with a cancer diagnosis, or Jewish families to name a few. 

Here is a list of foundations offering fertility treatment grants you may be eligible for.

Free Download: How to Improve Your Odds of Getting Pregnant

If you are comfortable sharing your fertility story, consider allowing friends and family to help by giving them the opportunity to contribute to your IVF financing.  Organizations such as GiftOfParenthood.org offer tools to create a fundraiser where supporters can offer financial help for your treatment.  Create a blog or newsletter to help your sponsors understand your journey and what your treatment entails. Sharing your emotional and compelling story may inspire others to support you. 

Self-pay – If you are forced to pay for your cycle out of pocket, be sure to discuss your financial situation with your clinics finance office.  Many clinics offer payment plans, have access to medication discounts, as well as resources to help you budget effectively.

Regardless of how you intend to pay for your fertility treatments, it’s important to work with your clinic’s financial office to understand the anticipated cost of your treatment so you can properly budget. The financial burden of medical treatment can be an added tension that isn’t helpful to your fertility, but knowledge and preparation will reduce that stress. 

Related Read: 5 Ways to Take Control of Your Fertility

The cost of IVF is just one of many potential stressors of the process. If you are looking for customized personal attention to navigate a successful fertility journey, let’s talk about private coaching. Together we can tackle the physical, mental, and emotional challenges to leave you feeling confident and clear about building your family. Learn more about Private Coaching here.

Don’t forget to download your FREE resource – 3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Getting Pregnant – a must read for anyone navigating IVF or fertility goals.

Free Download

3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Pregnancy Success

Grab this free download to discover three common ways you might be stuck within the IVF process. These sticky points can dismantle your confidence, your motivation, and your general well-being. Freeing yourself from these obstacles could be the missing piece in your fertility puzzle and the answer to finally getting your family. 
