Positive Fertility Blog

Free Download: 3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Pregnancy Success

Starting an IVF cycle is loaded with emotion – a bit scary and potentially stressful, but also exciting that you are finally on the path that leads to the family you have been dreaming of.  One of the challenges of an IVF treatment cycle are the potential side effects from the hormone stimulation medications.  In this post we take a look at several common side effects of IVF medications and offer strategies to manage these symptoms while navigating your cycle.

*Be sure to contact your medical team with any severe side effects such as high fever, shortness of breath or excessive pain.

Skin Breakouts
Increased hormones often trigger skin breakouts while taking fertility medications.  To manage any acne or irritations be sure to cleanse your face twice daily to remove excess oil and bacteria and remove all make up on your face before going to sleep.  If you had hormonal breakouts as a teenager you are more likely to experience it now, but this time choose your skin care products carefully and look for non-toxic products that would be safe during pregnancy.

Related Read: Benefits of Acupuncture During an IVF Cycle

Stomach discomfort is a common side effect of stimulation medications due to enlarged ovaries and devleoping follicles. In a natural cycle only one follicle is recruited to develop and mature but in a medicated IVF cycle many follicles are developing which can cause the discomfort. The bloating should decrease significantly after an egg retrieval, but in the meantime be sure to drink plenty of water, eat foods high in fiber and find low impact movements (try a slow 20 minute walk or gentle yoga – no twisting!).

Hormonal changes to the body can sometimes bring on headaches.  While this is a very common side-effect, it can be uncomfortable.  Trying resting with a cool compress over the forehead for some relief.  Another remedy is squeezing half of a lemon into warm water which can help flush out toxins. Contact your doctor to ask about over-the-counter pain relievers that are safe for you to take during your cycle. 

Related Read: Tips for Managing Your IVF Medications

An increase in hormones, specifically progesterone, can cause fatigue during an IVF cycle.  In addition, the stress and anxiety commonly associated with fertility treatments are exhausting.  Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself extra rest if possible.

Mood Swings
Yes, this too is due to the increase of hormones with IVF medications.  You are likely already emotionally and mentally exhausted during an IVF cycle and the hormones can elevate the emotions.  Prior to your cycle put some thought into effective strategies and activities that help you stay calm and do your best to prioritize them when you are feeling moody during your cycle. 

Strategies for coping with the side effects:

Hydration – drinking plenty of water is essential for managing IVF side effects.  Hydration can help with the physical discomfort you may experience during stimulation and combat dehydration and constipation.

Stay Active – Light to moderate exercise and movement can help with blood circulation and general wellness.  Even a short walk can help you feel more balanced. 

Acupuncture – Seeing your acupuncturist can be highly effective in managing the side effects from increased hormones during IVF. 

Rest – The process is exhausting.  If possible, plan ahead to give yourself plenty of time to rest and take care of your body during your cycle.

Self-Care – Have your self-care toolkit prepared with the strategies that are move effective for you. 

Accept Support – An IVF cycle can be an emotionally complicated time.  Have some time scheduled with your coach, therapist, and those you know you can count on to talk out your difficult feelings.

Related Read: Working With A Fertility Coach

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or lonely during the two week wait or while managing fertility treatments… let’s talk. 

I would love to help you navigate this challenging road and make the journey more positive.  Schedule a chat today and follow Positive Fertility on Instagram for daily support and inspiration!

Free Download

3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Pregnancy Success

Grab this free download to discover three common ways you might be stuck within the IVF process. These sticky points can dismantle your confidence, your motivation, and your general well-being. Freeing yourself from these obstacles could be the missing piece in your fertility puzzle and the answer to finally getting your family. 
